Monday, September 26, 2005

Woo Hoo Progress!!!

Ok so I just wanted to post some of the progress on the first sleeve of my Molly Weasley Sweater for halloween and the premier. I figure I have to pay some respect to her since they took her out of this movie, which makes me really rather sad. Planning for the party is comming along really well since work has been so freaking slow, but hey getting work on something done right?? Ok well here are the pics of my sleeve as it stands now, but I hope to get some more work done this week between classes and such:

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Ok and then I was going through the pics on my computer here at work and I found this piece from Jon that I feel the need to put on something, just can't decide what. Any suggestions?
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Found this on craftster today, and I'm way in need of making one, so I'm thinking once I get one sleeve done, I'm all about making up one of these in my extra Debbie Bliss Casmerino in charcoal, thinking it would be awesome, with some sort of different colored inset, just can't decide. Too many freaking decisions with all this crap, but I love it!

Guess that's it for today, maybe more later!

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