Here is all of the colorways. I am in love with all of them:

That's all of them, but I also made some Chicken Cacchitore for dinner and Steve loved it. I love getting to do Susie Homemaker things.
This is a blog all about my knitting, crochet, sewing, quilting and various other randomness.
So I posted on Friday about going to Corteo by Cirque du Soliel. Well, I bought some souviners. Firstly a hat, I think I'm going to wear this to Bat's Day next year, I've got a whole costume idea worked out for it.
I just seem to have this soft spot for hats of all kinds, if I could find a reason to wear them every day I would.
I also bought a CD so I could remember the weirdness:
And Sarah bought me a clown nose, a green clown nose, have you ever seen anything so awesome?
Oh and I got a lunch bag.
I really shouldn't be allowed to take my credit card with me to these things.
Ok, for some actual knitting content, I've been working on a sock:
I have no idea what the yarn is, but I like it, I bought it when I was in Germany last summer and the pattern is Broadripple from Knitty. Great pattern to take with me as it's only a 2 row repeat and I think it shows off the color of the yarn really well.
So yesterday was a bit of a rant, sorry about that, but sometimes we just need to get things off our chests.
So I thought today I would give you some pics of my adorable cat Tinkle Biddy Kins.
On Saturday she found some yarn laying around so she felt the need to play with it of course, here she is doing just that.
And then Monday we got the carpets cleaned since my Grandma is coming to stay next week, well you have to get everything off of the carpet including the cat tree climby thing, so we put her's in the office chair. Apparently she felt the need to climb the tree thing anyway, so she did so in the chair that spins and rolls.
Ok enough of the kitty, cute as she might be. I thought I'd show you all the manicure that made my mother worry that I was going to come to work "gothed out".
My hand looks a little creepily pale there, but what can you do right? I mean what's the big deal with black nail polish anyway? I like it, though now they are a dark burgandy color.
Ok and last but not least, I put some stickers on my car last week that I got at the LA Public Library when we went to see Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. I've gotten so many comments on them, all good, I love it! Oh and I have to mention, I over heard my Mom on the phone with one of her friends praising how great my knitting is, w00t! Sorry I had a nerdy moment there!